Youtube Android App will get Default Video Setting

Soon in upcoming version of the YouTube app for Android will allow you set a preferred video quality for streaming. YouTube’s Android app will get a default video quality setting that automatically adjusts to the available bandwidth on the device. This is an excellent feature for anyone who uses YouTube for uploading videos to their Facebook page, for viewing on other platforms like Smart TV’s and on their computers, and for viewing from mobile devices.

In addition to this, Google has made some changes to the YouTube mobile website to ensure that web users can play videos directly from the mobile version of the site. Some users cannot download videos from the website to their phones. By putting a small icon on the right hand side of the mobile website, YouTube is promising this will be fixed in the next update. Google has also introduced a special video format called HLS for uploading and downloading. It is intended to be a better alternative to the standard .MOV file. What this means is that users can upload and download videos in any format they choose, including HLS.

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